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Portrait of a Graduate

portrait of a graduate graphic


The Gresham-Barlow School District’s Portrait of a Graduate serves as a North Star for system transformation. It is a visual representation of the school board’s mission and vision and the community's vision for the District’s students. Please scroll down to view the various skills and attributes we want our Gresham-Barlow graduates to have.




Independent Lifelong Learners

are critical thinkers who are motivated, empowered, curious, and passionate knowledge seekers who take ownership of their ongoing learning through authentic connections and strategic risk-taking.

Adaptable Collaborators

are flexible with their expectations of process and outcomes. Adaptable collaborators strive for mutual understandings and constructive contributions using teamwork skills they apply to various modes as they work toward a common goal.

Compassionate Communicators

intently listen with determination to understand through the lens of others’ ideas, culture, and experiences; speak and write in multiple languages with positive regard and respect towards all, emphasizing truthfulness, open-mindedness, and acceptance.

Responsible Creators

use thoughtful intention to innovate with purpose in ways that honors and helps, not only themselves but also others and the community, while considering future impacts.

Open Minded, Critical Thinkers

develop high levels of concentration, more in-depth analytical abilities, and improved thought processing that will prepare students for the global era of high-speed communications, and complex and rapid change to solve a problem while considering differing points of view.

Globally Aware Community Members

understand and appreciate multiple perspectives and take meaningful action to impact and influence individual behaviors and world events.