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Volunteers needed to help students become better readers

Volunteers needed to help students become better readers

Do you or someone you know want to become more involved with your school? The Gresham-Barlow School District’s Oasis Volunteer Program is looking for parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends to work with young children who are struggling to learn to read.

Male volunteer reading with student

We are seeking adult volunteers who can spend one hour a week, during the school day, working one-on-one with a child in grades 1-5 to build reading, writing, and language skills, self-esteem, and positive attitudes toward learning.

The Oasis Program provides training, materials, and on-going support from our staff at no cost to you.

No teaching experience is required. The role of an Oasis Tutor is that of a friend, offering experience, patience, encouragement, caring, and time.

If you, or someone you know would be interested in learning more about becoming an Oasis Tutor, please call Oasis Volunteer Program Coordinator Corey Sexton at 503-314-2039 or email