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Requests for Banners or Advertisements

The Gresham-Barlow School District provides community-based organizations the opportunity to share information about educational, health, social services, and/or extracurricular learning opportunities with our families by posting banners outside of our buildings.

Banners that are approved for posting by the district are hung prominintely at the designated building(s) for the pre-determined amount of time agreed upon at the time of approval.

How do I submit a banner for review?

Click here to access the form that needs to be completed and submitted to request that a banner be hung at one of our schools.

Once complete, please submit to Irma Molina by emailing, faxing 503-261-4553, or mailing to or dropping off at 1331 NW Eastman Parkway in Gresham. If you need support, contact our District Office at 503-261-4550.

What are the criteria for banner approval?

Banners must offer educational, health or social services, and/or extracurricular learning opportunities for students, staff and/or parents. The Gresham-Barlow School District does not allow commercial advertising at any of its facilities. Banners that are self-promotional for individuals, such as childcare, tutoring, or sales-related commission are considered commercial. Banners that do not meet our criteria will be denied.

For additional information, please refer to board policies KJ and KJA.

Board Policy KJ

Board Policy KJA

Have questions?

Contact the District Office at 503-261-4550.