Title IA: Improving Basic Programs
Title IA: Improving Basic Programs
Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs, is a federal formula grant that provides supplemental resources to the district to provide academic support for children in our highest-poverty schools. Student need is recognized by the percentage of students in a school who qualify for free or reduce priced meals.
Title I funding helps ensure that all children have a equitable educational opportunities for a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments. Title I school programs often include:
- Smaller group sizes and additional supports in reading and math
- Reading Specialists and additional teaching assistants
- Additional training or coaching for staff in reading, writing or math instruction
Schools currently identified as “Title I School-Wide Programs” are:
- East Gresham Elementary School
- Hall Elementary School
- Hogan Cedars Elementary School
- Hollydale Elementary School
- Highland Elementary School
- North Gresham Elementary School
Parent Right-to-Know
Upon the request of a parent, a school receiving Title I federal funds must disclose, in a timely manner:
- Whether the teacher has met state licensure requirements for the grade level and/or subject area in which they are currently teaching.
- Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status through which state licensing criteria have been waived.
- Whether the child is provided services by an instructional assistant (paraprofessional), and if so, their qualifications.
Parental Involvement
Parent Involvement is an important part in developing Title I plans that best meet the needs of all the students in a school. Gresham-Barlow parents are encouraged to participate in the schools' parent-teacher organizations and the annual review of Title I plans. Parents of students in Title I schools and parents of participating Migrant students have a right to review and give input on the development of the Gresham-Barlow School District Title I Parent Involvement Policy.
View Gresham-Barlow School District's Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Director of Federal Programs
Erin Shepherd
Coordinator of Federal Programs
Nancy Singleterry
Community Liasion
Mayra Caro