Title IXA: McKinney-Vento Act – Homeless Education Program
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Education for Homeless Children and Youth
Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, (ESSA)
Who qualifies?
The federal government's legal definition of homeless is based on the McKinney-Vento Act for children and youth, includes anyone who...
- Is lacking a fixed, adequate and regular nighttime residence (sub-standard housing)
- Is sharing housing due to economic struggles (doubled-up)
- Is living in a shelter, hotel or motel
- Is living in a public place not designed for sleeping (cars, parks)
- Is an unaccompanied youth, not living with a parent or guardian
- Is a child or youth abandoned in a hospital
We can help.
We may be able to assist you with the following if you qualify under McKinney-Vento …
- Immediate enrollment
- Assistance with academic fees
- Transportation to school of origin (school attended when qualified for MV) if in the best interest of the student
- Free meals at school
- School supplies
- School clothing and shoes
- Coats and rain gear
Coordinator of Federal Programs/McKinney-Vento Liaison
Nancy Singleterry
Federal Programs Community Liaison
Mayra Caro