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eFLEX High School

eFLEX High School


What eFLEX High School does:

eFLEX High School is a short term, online program that serves Gresham Barlow high school students who are temporarily unable to attend in person classes. Students receive online instruction from home and have access to in person support in the afternoon.

Who eFLEX High School helps:

eFLEX High School serves Gresham Barlow School District high school students who need a short term school solution. Students must be able to attend online classes regularly, work independently and have been referred by their home school counselor.

How eFLEX High School helps:

• Provides temporary educational option for students who may need to miss school for illness, travel, etc.

• Online courses in core content

• Access to in person academic support as needed

• Access to school social worker by appointment

How to connect with eFLEX High School:

Students/guardians interested in eFLEX High School should contact their home school counselor for a referral.