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Pathways to Career Success

Preschool to Postsecondary Pathways to Career Success is the framework for our college and career preparation in Gresham-Barlow School District.

The framework provides a roadmap for students to chart their path and then navigate the options they encounter along the way as they prepare to successfully transition to postsecondary education, training and ultimately career success.

The first step along the roadmap begins as early as Kindergarten when students begin to develop career awareness which lays the foundation for future planning.

World of Work

Career exploration is the second step and takes root during Middle School. This step along the roadmap builds upon the career awareness pathway and develops multiple opportunities for career exploration through project-based learning, design thinking, and STEAM learning opportunities.

Once students enter high school, they begin the third step by developing a Career Plan by taking courses in one or more career areas, participating in internships and job shadows, and narrowing their interests through virtual and in person exchanges with professionals in their fields of interest. Career Planning reinforces the previous steps of career awareness and exploration while taking students to a more sophisticated understanding of their planned pathway.

Finally, as students refine their career plan, they put together the Career Transition steps to successfully transition to a career training school, the military or college. This final step is the culmination of 13 plus years of career awareness, exploration, and planning that give the students the confidence to make the transition to their next pathways along their life journey.