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Gresham-Barlow School District has a robust array of partnerships which support student success.

For a more thorough list of business, education and community partnerships click here. This list is updated annually.

Business and Industry Partnerships support our career related learning experiences for our students from Pre-school to Postsecondary.                    

Postsecondary partners support our students in making a smooth transition to their next step after high school.                      

            Dual Credit     

            Middle College High School   

            University transfer     

            Career Training Programs      

Community Based Providers offer a wide varity of student and family support services. These services include mentoring, tutoring, college & career supports, and culturally specific services.                  

            SUN service providers

            Community Based service providers 

Families are the cornerstone of our partnerships. Without our families none of our other partnerships would work. For a list of ways in which families can partner with the district, please see below.                 

            Key Communicators

            Superintendents Equity Advisory      

            Budget & Finance      

            School based volunteering    

Click Here for more information on becoming a partner with GBSD.