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Free & Reduced Information

Dear Gresham-Barlow Community,

The Oregon Legislature has provided funding through the Student Success Act to increase the number of families that qualify for free meals. This important commitment to student nutrition means that families that did not qualify in the past may now be eligible for free meals. GBSD encourages all families with a student at East Orient Elementary, West Orient Middle, Deep-Creek Damascus K-8, Sam Barlow High, Springwater Trail High, or the Center for Advanced Learning (CAL) to apply for Free & Reduced-Price meals.

Breakfast at these schools will be free for all students. Students who are approved for either Free or Reduced-Price meals will also get lunch for free. (The state of Oregon pays the cost of Reduced-price meals for all students.) Students who are not eligible for Free or Reduced-Price meals   will be charged for lunch (EL $2.40, MS $2.65, HS $2.80). No child will be denied a meal for lack of payment.

All students have a meals account that follows them throughout their career at GBSD. This account is accessed at the cashier using the student ID number, which is also the child’s PIN. Money may be added to the account by sending cash or check with your student to the cafeteria in the morning. Checks should be made out to Gresham-Barlow Nutrition Services. You may also add money by credit card using MealTime charges a small transaction fee for online payments.

 We encourage all eligible families to submit a new application for free and reduced meal benefits prior to the start of each school year. This allows the application to be processed and the correct eligibility established before school starts. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year. If your household income changes, please call the Free and Reduced Hotline at 503-353-6034 to make changes and verify eligibility. Click here for Income Eligibility Guidelines or scroll down on this page.

Community Eligibility Provision Schools

12 Gresham Barlow schools have qualified to offer meals at no cost to all of their students through the Federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program:

  • East Gresham Elementary, Hall Elementary, Highland Elementary, Hogan Cedars Elementary, Hollydale Elementary, Kelly Creek Elementary, North Gresham Elementary, Powell Valley Elementary, Clear Creek Middle, Dexter McCarty Middle, Gordon Russell Middle, and Gresham High.Since all meals are at no charge at each school listed above, NCSD cannot accept Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications from families with students at these schools. However, if siblings attending a school not listed above (non-CEP schools) are living in the same household,  please fill out a Free and Reduced Price Meal Application for them.

For students not attending a CEP school, please complete one Free and Reduced application for your entire household (including foster children) and include all of your students that attend school in the Gresham Barlow School District. Click the link below to apply. All applications are confidential.

If you are interested in receiving additional benefits granted through Free and Reduced Lunch qualification, such as reduced or waived fees in middle or high school program activities and athletics, please complete a Student Waiver Form to allow us to share eligibility status with our school bookkeepers.  

If you have already received an eligibility letter and would like us to share this information with your school, please fill out the Student Waiver Form

Questions regarding the program can be directed to the Free and Reduced Meal hotline at 503-261-4590 or email 

Applications are only valid for one school year, so families need to provide a new application every year. For any questions, please call the Free and Reduced hotline at 503-261-4590 or email 

If you have questions, please contact the Nutrition Services Department.

1505 NW Eastman Parkway

Gresham Oregon 97030

Office: (503) 261-4590