GBSD Key Performance Indicators
Gresham-Barlow School District Key Performance Indicators
The graphs and charts on this page provide a way visualize who we are as a district and some of the key metrics that we are tracking. Please note that these visuals are pulling from large databases so there may be some lag between when you open the page and when the visual begins to display the output. The following will help you naviagte each of the visuals that are on this page.
The filters within each visual allow you to select specific parts of the data that you wish to see. The filters are addtive meaning that the data displayed will be an aggregate of all of the groups chosen in the filter categories.
To navigate the visuals, please take note of the following:
- When you hover over the lower part of the visual, you will notice that a navigation bar will appear.
- The left-hand part of the bar will tell you how many pages are a part of that particular visual.
- The right-hand part of the bar provides an icon that will allow you to expand or shrink the visual.