GBSD Licensed Evaluation Resources
Evaluation Resources
On this page you will find a list of resources and guides to assist as you coomplete the various steps of the evaluation process. All of the documents that are required for the evaluation process can be found in the Frontline Portal. Answers to common questions about the Evaluation process can be found on the FAQ Educator Effectiveness document by the Oregon Department of Education.
Handbooks and Calendars
GBSD Handboks / Rubrics
Evaluation Calendar
2020-21 Documents - FOR REFERENCE ONLY
FOR REFERENCE ONLY - GBSD Evaluation Guidance 2020-21 - ARCHIVE
FOR REFERENCE ONLY - Specialists' Standards for 2020-21 - ARCHIVE
Student Learning & Growth Goals
ODE SLGG Guidance - Supplemental (2021-22)
Sample Goal Language - Developed by the Gresham Barlow School District
The purpose of these sample goals is not to be prescriptive but rather to encourage creativity and innovative thinking while keeping students at the center of our work.
Engagement - Student Collaboration
Engagement - Google Meets (Elementary)
Engagement - iReady (Elementary)
Literacy - Constructed Response (Elementary)
Literacy - iReady (Elementary)
Math - iReady (Elementary)
Math - Ready Classroom Units (Elementary)
Math - iReady Sample #1 (Middle)
Math - iReady Sample #2 (Middle)
Math - Math Practices (Middle)
Social and Emotional Learning #1
Technology #1
Technology #2 (Elementary)
Technology (Student Engagement - Elementary)
Sample Goal Language - Developed by ODE
Click here to see additional samples of goal language provided by ODE. ODE provides samples for teachers, specialists, and administrators.