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What is ALP?: A Student's Perspective

The ALP Handbook

written by N. M.
2023 graduate of the GBSD Adult Living Program

What's ALP?

1. Basically...
ALP is a place for people with disability, high or low function and here's what teachers do.  They teach you how to get to places or do stuff on your own. The cool thing is you get to cook a recipe and go on Friday outing!

2. How do you get it?
Either working hard or use our Bottle Drop money. But usually we have to get a TriMet Pass,  known as your hall pass.  Sometimes you could go almost everywhere in Oregon or maybe Vancouver. 

3. People
You can make a lot of friends here, but to me, I think of it as a family! And, FYI it might get chaotic! But Wednesday is when we talk about what or where to go on Friday. Then figure out how to get there. 


4. Where you goin'?
Either you can go to the store or go where the road goes.  But you  can pick where in Gresham, Oregon. Sometimes people walk or take Max or the bus to get there.  Make sure you're careful on your journey.

5. Go Go on the Road
Most people bring money because they spend it on snacks or something, possibly games, but it is what it is. Unlike me, I'd rather do it in good weather, 'cause the cold or the rain and I don't get along. 

Friday Outing

6. Places We Go
Here are the places we go to!
Vancouver Mall, swimming, movie theater, Troutdale, Pal's Books, Ground Control.  There's so much to do but you also need a budget. 

7. Plan
So we talked about what staff is doing, but it's like we have a lot of students at ALP.  So, the teachers need to split the people into groups. 

Work Experience

8. What do you do?
Well, Olive Garden is when you have to wear a shirt, but make sure you got the right gear on! When you get done, either you deserve a mint chocolate or a soda.

9. Help Wanted
Sometimes the teachers want us to look for these signs that say, "Help Wanted" because teachers try to get us to start working so we can earn some money!  Usually spend some on Friday or during Mobility.  We get snacks and drinks. 

Chill Place

Where I'm from at ALP some teachers and people are my homies.  Depending on the personality and expressions.  You could see people from high school.  It could be chill here and there. 

11. Everyone is Welcome
Everyone is part of this community but it doesn't matter if you're black, white or part of the LGBTQ! In my honor, everybody with a disability is welcome to ALP.

12. Types of Disability
Example - "N," "T," "J," "C" and my other friends, we have a laugh and act like how we are. The lower function are people like us but no one is perfect. 

What's the Point?

13.  "What's the point?" you may ask! 
Well, ALP is to learn the outside world and figure out how to get to a place in Gresham.  Sometimes you can cook your favorite food, but you can do art as well. 

14. Projects
Make a school board or complement to a student or make 'em for teachers.  Usually in art, you make stuff and take what you make home. 

15. Friends
Doesn't matter the type of person or how we talk.  But it's good to have a conversation so you could bond. Maybe try to hang out after school or during a Friday outing and it's okay.


16. Talk to a Friend
Do you ever feel like you need to talk to a friend? About being upset or dealing with a lot? But mostly people have depression and sometimes it's just TMI.

17. Counselor
Either that or I recommend call a counselor so you can try to get some help! Best thing I'll say, talk to your caregiver. It's very important you do this.  People get worried about mental health. The worst part is seeing scars when people cut themselves on their arm.

Thank you!

18. Thank You All!
Well, that's pretty much all I have to say and if you got any questions, please ask me or the "staff" members at ALP.