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Apple, iOS, and Apps

Accessibility for Apple Products.  Apple is an industry leader in making technology accessible.  This link details all of the accessibility features by product.

Guided Access. This short 3 min video will walk you through how to set up and use Guided Access on an iPad. Guided Access allows teachers, staff and parents to limit the ability to leave an app. This is a very useful tool to help manage student behaviors while using iOS devices and every teacher/staff member should be savvy to its use.

Bridging Apps. The website has a robust "app search" engine that can find the right app to best support individual student needs. Bridging Apps is a non-profit community of parents, teachers, therapists, and doctors who share information on how they are using touch-based, mobile devices such as the iPad®, iPhone®, iPod Touch® and Android® devices and apps with people who have special needs. 

Here is a link to a tutorial video to navigate the Bridging Apps website.  It can be slightly confusing and this video can help!

Every year the AASL (American Association of School Librarians) publishes a "best of the best" app list for teaching & learning. Their lists are not overwhelming and really capture the best apps for literacy, STEM, Organizational Management, Social Sciences and Content Creation. Click on the following links to get their lists!

2019 AASL's Best Apps for teaching and learning

2018 AASL's Best Apps for teaching and learning

2017 AASL's Best Apps for teaching and learning

2016 AASL's Best Apps for teaching and learning