Low Tech AT Solutions
Assistive Technology doesn't always have to be complex! Students can often be supported through low-tech methods.
Low Tech Solutions to Support Reading Goals
Predictable Books
Changes in text size, spacing, color, and background
Highlighted text
Book adapted for page turning
Use of pictures/symbols with text
Low Tech Solutions to Support Written Language Goals
Variety of pencils and pens
Pencil/pens with an adaptive grip
Adapted paper
Word banks
Writing templates/graphic organizers
Low Tech Solutions to Support Math Goals
Abacus/math line
Enlarged math worksheets
Money calculator/coinulator
Calculator (large keys, regular, talking)
Low Tech Solutions to Support Organizational Goals
Print/picture schedules
Aides to find materials (e.g. color coded folders)
Highlighted text
Low Tech Solutions to Support Access Goals
Accessibility changes on a computer/ipad/etc
Arm support
Track-ball mouse or joystick