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High School

What Can I Expect My Child to Learn?

The Oregon State Standards define what students should know and be able to do within a content area at specific stages in their education. In addition to setting and supporting the educational standards, the goal of the standards and instructional support team is to ensure that every learner’s strengths are recognized and their skills are developed through the opportunity to receive high-quality instruction, programming and services.


GBSD utilizes a balanced system of assessment that includes a continuum of tools and strategies that measure student learning. Assessment occurs at multiple levels and serve a variety of purposes.

State Level: Oregon public schools test students in English language arts and math in grades 3 through 8 and 11, and in science and social sciences in grades 5, 8, and 11. Additional assessments include an incoming Kindergarten assessment, an English language proficiency assessment for our English learners (ELs) and the Extended Assessment for our students with special needs. 

District Level: These assessments monitor student academic growth across the district and help provide information about students who may need additional support.

Classroom Level: Educators design assessments to monitor student understanding of concepts and skills in order to help with instructional decisions.

For additional information on State Assessments check out our Research and Assessment Department

Curriculum Adoptions

Resources from the Oregon Department of Education's approved curriculum list have been adopted to support instruction in multiple subject areas.

9-12 Mathematics:

  • Carnegie by Carnegie Learning
  • Stats Modeling the World 6th edition by Pearson
  • Pre-Calculus 5th edition by Cengage

9-12 Language Arts:

  • Studysync by McGraw Hill

9-12 Science: Currently being Adopted 2023 - 24

Gresham High School

  • Patters Physics (9th)
  • Patterns Chemistry (10th)
  • NextGen Bio/Patterns Bio (11th)

Sam Barlow High School

  • Physical Science: Concepts in Action
  • Conceptual Physical Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry Matter and Change
  • Holt Physics

9-12 Social Studies:

  • American History Through the Lens: US History from 1877 to the present by Cengage
  • American History, High School Edition with Launchpad 8th edition by Bedford, Freeman & Worth
  • American Government: Stories of a Nation by Bedford St. Martin
  • AP Edition Western Civilization Since 1300

9-12 Health:

  • Glencoe Health by McGraw Hill